Residents of the 13th Street Residence Hall will be relocated to other local housing while mold is removed from the building. We expect this process to be completed by the end of the semester, during which time the building will be closed.
Updated October 15, 2018 1:30 pm
We have received the results of the mold testing and have learned that the predominate mold found in the 13th Street Residence was not the “toxic black mold” that has received much media attention. The molds identified in the samples are the same type that are commonly associated with excessive humidity and water damage and do not typically pose a health risk to individuals with normal immune systems and those without pre-existing medical conditions. Because most of the fungi identified in the sampling are considered to be allergenic, however, they may exacerbate allergies or an existing condition. The full report by TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC), the independent industrial hygiene firm hired by the university, is available for viewing.
View the full report by TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC)
We are following TRC’s recommendations, which include removal of the mold. We are also working with a mechanical engineering firm to identify modifications to the building’s mechanical system that will prevent this issue from occurring again. With the scope of this mechanical work in mind, the 13th Street Residence will remain closed for the rest of the 2018-19 academic year. We know that this is not the news you were hoping to hear, but we wanted to share this information as soon as we received the test results and repair recommendations so that we have plenty of time to plan for next semester.
Next Steps
It is our intention to house all of you on campus for the spring semester. If you moved from 13th Street to another on-campus location, that will remain your assignment for the rest of the academic year, unless you prefer to be released from your housing contract. Please fill out this Google form to share your preference.
If you moved to an off-campus location, we want to know where you’d like to live during the spring semester. Fill out this Google form to tell us whether you prefer to:
*Stay in your current off-campus location (this option may be possible only for residents living in the Alabama, 92Y, and the Brooklyn Heights EHS location.) MTA cards will continue to be provided for those students who are further away from campus.
*Move to an on-campus residence hall
*Be released from your housing contract with no penalty
If you choose to be released, please indicate that on your Google form and also email Joyce Arias-Brown, Associate Director of Housing Operations, to start that process. You can choose to be released now or at the end of the semester.
We will do everything that we can to accommodate your preference. Please fill out the form by November 1, 2018. New housing assignments (if applicable) will be sent out on a rolling basis starting in mid-November.
Have Questions? We Have Answers!
Staff will be available at 72 Fifth Avenue, 3rd floor conference room, on Tuesday, October 16, and Wednesday, October 17, from 10:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. to answer any specific questions you may have, and we will provide regular updates to the New School community as the project progresses.
Good News!
As a thank you for your adaptability to this situation, we will be offering you priority registration for spring classes. More information to come about this shortly.
Spreading the Word
Please share this message with your families. We will continue to update our FAQ to answer more questions that this change may raise.
Although this has been a challenging situation, you have responded with great patience and understanding, and we truly appreciate your adaptability.