F-1 or J-1 international students who wish to work off campus must obtain work authorization before beginning the work experience. They must obtain work authorization for any kind of work that is paid or unpaid.
F-1 International Students
The most common off-campus work authorization for a F-1 student during the academic program is Curricular Practical Training (CPT). Other kinds of work authorization and eligibility can be discussed with ISSS.
To request CPT, you submit an Experience Learning Agreement (ELA) through Handshake. Please ensure that your experience meets with the policies set by your program of study.
1. Log into your Handshake account.
2. Click Career Center.
3. Click Experiences from your Career Center’s page.
4. Click Submit an Experience.
5. Choose the relevant template from the drop-down menu.
6. Fill out the Experience Form.
7. Click the green Submit an Experience button.
Allow ten days for the approval process to take place. You are not permitted to work until the approval process is complete and, if you are an international student, your CPT is issued.
J-1 International Students
If you are a J-1 student who wishes to work off campus, you do not need to submit an ELA unless you require the credits for your degree program in exchange for your off-campus work experience.
However, you will need authorization from your sponsoring institution in the United States if you wish to work off campus in a paid or unpaid position.
If you are sponsored by The New School, you will need to submit an Academic Training request in iGlobal and provide an appointment or offer letter. If you are sponsored by the International Institute of Education (IIE) or other institutions, you will need to connect with your sponsor to find out how to get off-campus work authorization.